February 24, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday to ME!

I was lucky this year I had a Birth-week! On Saturday we went to a movie and celebrated at California Pizza Kitchen with most of my family, then we came back to the house for presents. Then on Sunday Dad, Andrew, Aleta, & John came over for dinner. Aleta surprised me by making me a cake. It was beautiful and oh so tasty!! Connor hated the candles! He was on my lap while I was blowing the candles out and he kept leaning away. You can kind of see him in the pictures. What a cutie! Later we watched Madagascar 2. He kept laughing and dancing it was adorable I have a couple videos of him dancing. It was funnier to see everyone else trying to get him to dance though! Connor was actually Dancing to the beat though... it was so much fun.

Then on Monday (My actual Birthday) I had to work (BUMMER) it was not too bad. Mom and Crystal had flowers deliverd to me. My favorite Gerber Daisies. At work the girls surprised me with lunch, it was so nice! Then later on we went up to the Cheesecake Factory, which is now my very favorite restauraunt. I forgot to mention all these nights I was not getting to bed early enough so I was so tired I was already 2 coffee trips into the day by the time we got home from dinner to open more gifts. I think the first few pictures I look normal, but I started to get so loopy. It made for lots of fun though! Just Mom, Crystal, John, and I were together on my birthday. It was such a blast. I appreciate everyone so much! Birthdays when you are older are not quite as fun as they used to be but this one tops the charts. Plus next week we are off to Vegas... I am sure I will have lots of fun pictures to post